Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Monthly Medical Supply Order!

Every month I place an order through our DME (Supply Company) for Mel's medical supplies. In this post I will show you what our normal supply order consists of and how I store it all!

Our normal supply order

  • A month supply of food bags. Our DME is very good about making sure we receive exactly how many bags we need for each month. I have seen other people post online that their DME sends 30 bags a month regardless, which is ridiculous to me!
  • Feeding tube extensions. We receive 4 bolus and 4 continuous extensions a month. This is plenty for us since I am able to clean the continuous extensions and they last quite a while and we only use the bolus extensions for venting!
  • Pre-cut Gauze 2x2 pads. Each box of these contains 60 2x2s. On days when Mel's tube is leaking more than normal or if I need to clean her button more often I go through a few of these! Every month I have to make sure that these are on our order or we don't get them! 
  • Syringes. We receive 6 of each of the following sizes, 3mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL and 60mL. I use the 20 and 60 mL more that the other sizes but I still get them every month just so we will have them!
  • 4 Pulse Oximeter Probes. Mel is still on a pulse oximeter at night to alert us if her heart rate or oxygen dip to a dangerous level. When we were using the pulse ox 24/7 we ran through these probes like crazy! I was lucky if I could get one to last a week. Now that we are only using it at night I can get one to last around 2 sometimes 3 weeks! (I use posey wraps and a sock over Mel's probe, it helps keep it in place and also cuts down on outside light allowing the probe to read better!)
We used to also receive Suction canisters, hoses and tips. We don't use the portable suction as much as we used to so after creating quite a stockpile of these items I decided to hold off on them for now!

After I place our order with our supply company it usually take about 3 or 4 days to receive our supplies. I recommend that if you are new at tubie life to call your DME and see what their normal processing time is! That way you don't get stuck using 1 food bag for 4 days! (Which can be done if in an emergency, just clean very very well with hot water and or Coca-cola!!)


I have seen some pictures from other moms that have all their supplies neatly put away with adorable little labels on each bin and its legit Pinterest worthy. I'm not that mom. I simply have 2 plastic 3 drawer containers, it works for us!

This is a pretty minimal supply order and storage area compared to some people, depending on different medical equipment such as trachs and ports. Also some people receive their child's formula and Real Food Blends from their DME so they have much larger orders!

Do you have a lot that comes from your DME? How do you store your medical supplies? I would love to hear your feed back in the comments!!

Squeeze those little people of yours tight this evening it gonna be cold outside!!

Love until another day,

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