Sunday, January 14, 2018

Cleaning your tubies Stoma!

When Mel first had her feeding tube placed I was super intimidated by it! Up until that point I had never seen a G tube in person or even a stoma of any kind. And I did not want to hurt my little nugget by doing something incorrectly. Since then I have grown very comfortable with Mel's site and in this post I will show you and explain how I clean and dress her site daily!

I would like to preface this post with the fact that I am not a doctor and I have had no formal medical training. Everything I know is from my own research, being shown by medical professionals, and what works best for our family. If you have any concerns about your child's stoma or button I suggest you consult your child's physician.

I clean Mel's stoma every night before bed and also every time I give her a bath. This is the first step I take in her nighttime routine so that I can insure my hands are freshly cleaned every time!

Gather every thing you will need and have it laid out beside you so it is easy to reach. I don't like to leave the button exposed to go grab something I forgot because Mel loves to pull on it! if I do forget something I cover her button back up with her onesie and then go grab my forgotten item!

The Items I use every button change!

Q-Tips, baby soap, warm water, Desitin, 2x2 split gauze and a fabric tube pad. 

 WASH YOUR HANDS! Your child's stoma can become infected just like any other opening into the body. Stoma infections can be very serious and lead to complications. 
  • First I take off the dirty fabric tube pad and split 2x2. I just set these to the side for the time being.
  • I then dip a Q-Tip into the baby soap and I clean around her stoma. I make sure to get all the "tube boogers" loosened up.
  • Then I take a clean Q-Tip and I dip it into the warm water and wipe around the stoma to further remove any crusties and make sure the bottom of her button is clean.
  • After it is clean I take a dry Q-Tip and make sure I dry off the whole area really well, sometimes this takes more than one Q-Tip.
  • Next is the Desitin or whatever barrier cream you use. I like to pull our Desitin up in a 3 mL syringe so I can "pipe" it around Mels stoma! is is so much easier and way less messy!
  • Place the clean 2x2 around the stoma.
  • Finally place the clean fabric tube pad over the 2x2.
I like to use a 2x2 and a fabric tube pad for a couple reasons. Desitin is some crazy stuff and it is hard so wash off of our tube pads. Also I feel like using both pulls Mel's button up to where it is snug and it does not move much. 

Desitin or barrier cream is used so that if the stoma leaks stomach acid or the button leaks formula/food the healthy skin around the button will not get burned and irritated. 

Ever since Mel was converted to her GJ tube she has had a decent amount of Granulation Tissue around her stoma. This is a very common thing with stomas and some cases are worse than others. Granulation tissue is not painful but it is very very vascular so it bleeds very easily. Some doctors and parents like to treat granulation tissue with Silver Nitrate. Which looks like a long matchstick with silver on the tip. When the silver touches skin it cauterizes the tissue. A lot of people have had great results with silver nitrate and had minimal discomfort. When Mel was about 7 months old we went to a GI appointment and he used the silver nitrate. Mel screamed like she was in pain and her stoma was sore and irritated for days afterward. Also I saw little improvement with her granulation tissue. There are other ways to treat granulation tissue if needed. (Always consult your child's doctor about any problems with your child's stoma or any treatments.)

Steroid Cream- We have Triamcinolone cream that we were prescribed for granulation tissue. this cream can only be used for a few days at a time every couple weeks.

Alum & Calmoseptine ointment- Alum powder can be purchased from the grocery store in the spice isle and the cream from the pharmacy area. These 2 items can be mixed into a paste then placed around the stoma. I have yet to try this method but I will be soon and I will update on how it works!

Essential oils- I have read that a solution of 1 drop Frankincense, 1 drop Lavender and Coconut Oil are good to help heal granulation tissue. I have been using this method on Mel for 2 weeks now and I see slight improvement but not much. I wanted to try this method as it is more natural. I just placed a drop of each essential oil in a 10mL roller bottle then filled the bottle with fractionated coconut oil. ( I saw no improvement with this method, I will be trying the Alum and Calmoseptine soon!)

I tried to get pictures as I was going through the steps but umm wrestling a 16 month old while protecting a G button and trying to take pictures is NOT easy! I will work on getting pics and will add them if I am ever successful!

As always if you have any questions put them in the comments and I will get back with you!! 

Hug your little people tight and have a big ol' glass of wine ladies!!

Love until another Day,

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